オックスフォード大学教授で同大学ベイリオル・カレッジ上級フェロー,リチャード・ゴンブリッチ氏のメッセージです.(岩波「世界」2001年5月号の,「大学人の大量虐殺」の筆者) [ 印刷向けpfdはこちら ] [ 2003年5月の最新メッセージ]

Message from Professor Richard Gombrich, Senior Fellow of the Balliol College




(豊島耕一訳.最終改訂 9月26日)

I have learnt of proposed new legislation to bring Japan's state universities firmly under the control of the central government, by reorganizing them as so-called "Independent Administrative Institutes", the plans of which are to be supervised and checked by the Ministry of Education. Scrutiny of the proposal discloses that the word "independent" has little real meaning and that what is envisaged is centralised government control. Though such an arrangement may well improve economic efficiency and administrative tidiness, it cannot but imperil academic freedom and the essential role of universities, which is to seek the truth in whatever way they see fit and to proclaim their views without fear or favour. Surely by now history has demonstrated to us often enough that to imperil academic freedom is to court disaster. No university system in the world with such a degree of centralised control has ever succeeded in maintaining world class standards. As a friend and well-wisher of Japan, I would be very sad to see the country thus demeaned.

Yours sincerely,
Richard Gombrich

(received on 25 June 2001, revised 27 June 2001)